We’ve all heard the phrase your glass is either half full or half empty. The assumption is that if you view your glass as half full your are more of an optimist. If you view your glass as half empty, than you are viewed as a pessimist. What if we looked at this analogy a little differently? What if we looked at our glass as perpetually refillable?

What does it mean to say the glass is perpetually refillable? Well I think it means that we are allowed to have more or less water in our glass at any time because we know where our source of water comes from and we can tap into that source any time we feel it is needed.

Somedays that glass feels almost empty. Does that make us a pessimist or should that be a sign that we need to go to our source to find more water? And that source can be whatever refills our spirit. For some that will be God or the Universe or whatever name you give your higher power. For others it may be getting quiet with yourself and figuring out why you feel your glass doesn’t have much water in it and what you need to do to refill it.

Life is not static and nor is water. And while the glass half empty/half full analogy has been around forever, it can place an expectation on people to be one way or the other. As humans, we are not static. One day we may be on top of the world and the other day feel like climbing under a blanket and binge watching our favorite tv shows. Which one is the right one?

If you knew that on the days you feel depleted that you had the resources to refill your glass, would you access those resources? Do you know what those resources are? It’s okay to have days where you feel great and ready to take on the world just as it is okay to feel like you don’t want to get out of bed. We all have days where we feel there are only drops of water left in our glass. But knowing on those dark days that we can turn to the things that refill our glasses, is a sure way to keep our glass from becoming empty.

Find the things that feed your soul. Use those as tap to refill your glass. Acknowledge and appreciate the days where your glass does not have enough water in it. Understand that hope begins when you know you can go to your source and refill your glass when needed. When you find your source or higher power, your glass will always be refillable no matter how empty it may seem to you.