The Power of the Word “Yet”

As a life coach many of my clients reach out to me for improving an area of their life they may be struggling with. When I first meet them, I listen to the words they use to describe the issue they want help with. Often I hear these phrases, “I can’t” “I haven’t” “I won’t” “I am not able to” etc. Do any of those sound familiar to you? Most times when we use these phrases, we are either on auto pilot or we are not really listening or paying attention to how negative these words are. However, one little word added to those phrases can change the meaning entirely.

I can’t, I haven’t, I won’t, I am not able to are all final statements. But what if you added one word on the end of those statements? Try saying “I can’t yet”, “I haven’t yet”, “I won’t yet”, “I am not able to yet”. When you add try on the end, watch what happens. In essence what you are doing is tricking your brain and changing your self-talk. You are telling your brain that you haven’t completed something not that you can’t do it.

When my clients start using the word “yet” on things they did not think they could accomplish, they found that they changed their mindset and didn’t feel as lost or defeated. One simple word makes so much difference! How much difference could that little three letter word make in your progress? Why program your brain to believe that you are already defeated? How about telling your brain I haven’t completed that yet and leave open the possibility that you will in fact achieve your goals. Take one day and try it every time you make a blanket statement of finality. You will be surprised at how much more you can train yourself and your brain to accomplish! And then keep moving one step at a time in the direction of your goals. You will get there!