The title of this post is Who Needs a Life Coach Before the End of the Year but maybe the real title should be, Who Doesn’t Need a Life Coach Before the End of the Year? The reason for the change is because so many of us make those end of year resolutions and so many times we fail at them. First we have the pressure to make a resolution and then we have double the pressure to keep the resolution. And yet somehow, even with the best of intentions, many of us still fail at reaching them. What I am saying is stop buying into the notion of making better choices next year.

We tend to make resolutions that deal with weight loss, or going to the gym, or stop smoking or a plethora of other things that we want to change in our lives. How do those resolutions typically work out for you? The majority of them are likely never even reached by the second month of the year. They are laid aside as just another failed resolution.

I am suggesting a different way of dealing with New Year’s resolutions. I think a better way to reach your accomplishments is to first identify in what area you need help and then reach out to a coach for help in accomplishing your goals. A personal trainer at life so to speak. Don’t bother with the added pressure of setting a goal at the first of the year and fall into the resolution trap. Start today identifying what you want to accomplish or change, hire a Life Coach now, and you will be well on your way to making changes by the time the new year gets here.

I am not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. I think they are sugar coated traps. They sound good until you once again fail at keeping them. Be kinder to yourself. Get started with a Life Coach who will be by your side supporting your goals and achievements. So what goals do you want to accomplish? What struggles do you finally want to overcome? If you are serious about your goals, reach and let’s get you up and running in the right direction. I will be your accountability partner, your cheerleader and your inspiration. You can do this. You just have to get started.