How dependent are you on someone else to make you happy?

If you crave attention and approval from others, begin by asking yourself why you need that? Take some time to really reflect and try writing down the answers that come forward. Try to come to an understanding that you are responsible for your own happiness and do not need others to find your own happiness.

Try one new thing a week that brings you happiness. Build it into your routine. Make it a priority. Write down what makes you mentally and physically happy. Slowly but surely start adding these things into your life.

Learn to enjoy solitude. Even if it is only 5 minutes a day, start learning to enjoy being in your presence only. Find the joy within yourself. Begin to get comfortable in your own skin. Start believing that you are not dependent on anyone but yourself to find joy and happiness.

Once you begin to accomplish this, you will start to realize that true happiness and contentment come from within. External happiness is fleeting. You have the ability to find happiness within. Will you be happy ever minute of every day? Of course not. Life gets in the way of being happy 24/7. But finding your contentment and happiness within, builds a solid foundation to move through life in a positive way that does not depend on others. Are you ready to put the key to your happiness back in your own pocket?