Insight can come any time… if you are open to it. My insight came while I was sweating in the sauna and it’s a bit of wisdom you are going to want to hear.

In the past I have seen people look at another person and comment how strong that person is when dealing with a life tragedy. They follow it up with “I only wish I could be half that strong if something tragic happens to me.” Well guess what? You CAN be that strong because you already ARE that strong! Therein lies the insight. But let me explain a little more.

Many of you have faced hardships and drama throughout your entire life. And yet, here you are… still standing! So, if you believe in God then you know he doesn’t make mistakes. Now stay with me on this one for a minute.

I believe when we are born, we are all born with the same grit. However, some of us were born into an easier life than others. Some were born into a privileged life, and some were born into a very unprivileged life. Some of us had lots of opportunities and some of us only had the opportunity to survive. But that is not what I am talking about.

Have you ever seen or met someone who seems to have it all and yet they crumble under adversity? Or someone who started with nothing yet despite all their hardships they triumph at life? Why do you think that is?

I believe the people who succeed despite the odds have learned how to dig deep for the grit, strength and determination that each one of us is born with. I also believe that underneath all your life experiences, lies your strength just waiting to be accessed. The trick is remembering that you still have it and learning how to access it.

Imagine if you went through your life with the unshakable knowledge that whatever happened to you, you would find a way to get through it? And all you had to do was rediscover the strength you were born with? How would your life look for you? Would you believe it? I hope so because it really is the truth.

If you need help uncovering the layers to find your strength, reach out to me. Together we will get you there. Together we will remind you what you are made of. Life can be tough, that’s for sure. But it doesn’t have to bring you to your knees. You can stand through any adversity life throughs at you when you find your pillar of strength that you came here with. It really is in there. Trust me on this!

If you need help uncovering the layers to find your strength, reach out to me. Together we will get you there. Together we will remind you what you are made of. Life can be tough, that’s for sure. But it doesn’t have to bring you to your knees. You can stand through any adversity life throughs at you when you find your pillar of strength that you came here with. It really is in there. Trust me on this!