What fills my soul?

I want to share an example of what fills my soul as a Life Coach. I have been working with a client regarding their career choice. How many times have we found ourselves in a job that drains us? A job that we know that isn’t right for us but maybe it has good health insurance or maybe the pay is crazy good or maybe there is some other perk that we think we can’t live without. But the job itself is unfulfilling and makes us dread going in to work despite some of the perks. So many people find themselves going to work daily, not enjoying their work and daydreaming about a better job but they are too afraid to give up the security in which they sit. They believe the trade off is worth the misery of doing something that brings them no joy.

But, back to the client. My client found themselves in that very position. The job was killing them but the option to change was filled with uncertainty and fear. The knowing what might be next had no clear vision and no guarantees that it would be “better” than where they were at now. The only thing certain was the current job was killing them slowly. Every. Single. Day.

After working with the client and having them do the work of self-examination and asking themselves if the trade off was worth it, they dug deep and found the courage to change. I call it the “leap and the net will appear syndrome.” I had the opportunity to watch this client get uncomfortable, make some hard choices and then take a high board leap into the unknown. And guess what happened next? The job they wanted magically appeared on their doorstep! They had let go of their fear, took a substantial risk and were rewarded with the very thing they had been struggling to reach. It wasn’t until they stopped trying to force their desire, took back their power, got in their flow, had faith and let it come to them, that they got the results they were looking for.

To watch this unfold and know that I had some small part in helping them, is what makes this job so amazing and so fulfilling to me. And not only do I gain a part of their joy, but I get their lesson reinforced to myself! I know there will be a time where I will be faced again with that scary decision into the unknown. I will need to remember that I too have to believe that I can make that jump because the net will always there for me.

Self-exploration is not easy. You may have to face certain ideals and beliefs that you once took as the truth only to find out those ideals and beliefs were based in fear and not in truth. But once you start on that path I promise you, it is so worth it. The trade off of being uncomfortable is worth discovering a life that has meaning and purpose. It can be a daunting journey. You can feel alone and scared. That is where a coach can help you. You don’t have to do the work alone. Let a coach guide you through the difficult areas. When you are ready to change the things in your life that are no longer serving you, reach out. Get some help with your journey. The truth is inside of you even if it is covered in fear, guilt or shame. You are as deserving of a great life as anyone else. Don’t let fear stop you from going after what you want. The net is there. Will you be brave enough to jump?