Are you a mind reader? I bet your first response is of course not! But let’s look a little more closely at this question. How many times have you found yourself in a situation and assumed you knew what the other person was thinking? For instance, have you ever asked yourself, what is that person thinking about me? Maybe you’ve said, I bet they won’t approve of me, my ideas, my lifestyle, my decisions, etc.

I bet now your answer has changed a little because we have all had those types of thoughts. But when we assume that we know what’s going on in someone else’s mind, we do ourselves and them a disservice. We often assume wrongly that someone has an opinion about us when quite often, we are not what they are thinking about at all. It is very easy to jump to a negative conclusion when we believe we know what the other person is thinking.

How much easier would life be if we didn’t trick our brains into thinking we know what is going on in someone’s else’s head? We wouldn’t jump to conclusions and make wrong assumptions about what people are thinking. We have no way of knowing for sure what is going on with them so why do we jump so quickly to the assumption that we do?

Next time you think you know what is going through someone’s thoughts, ask yourself the following questions. Do I know for 100% certainty, what they are thinking? If you ask yourself this simple question, you can save yourself from a lot of needless worry and false conclusions. As Eleanor Roosevelt so eloquently said, “You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.
If you find yourself jumping to conclusions about what others are or are not thinking about you, I can help change your way of thinking. Reach out and let’s talk. All new customers receive a free 30 minute introductory call. This might just be the best 30 minutes of your time!

For more information please visit or email me at [email protected].