
Have you ever thought, where does a thought come from? Why is this thought in my head? Why can’t I get rid of this thought?

Let’s explore thoughts for a minute. Where do thoughts come from? They are not concrete. They quite often are not even the truth or in our best interest. For example, lots of people have the reoccurring thought they aren’t good enough for one thing or another. Where did that thought come from? Is it true? Is there enough evidence to prove it’s true? Or is it just some random thought floating around and attaches itself inside your head?

Thoughts are things that we can play with. We should look at them like dandelions floating through the air. Ask yourself these questions the next time a thought pops in your head. Where did this come from? Is it a helpful thought or is it a destructive thought? Do I need to keep this in my head? Does it serve a positive purpose in my life? If the thought reinforces negative thinking, if it serves no productive purpose, then let it go into the wind like a dandelion caught on a wind current. You don’t need to keep that thought in your head.
We all can, and should, try to control your thoughts. So many times people get stuck in negative thinking and they don’t even know why. But if you practice controlling the thoughts that come into your head, you can begin to lead your life differently and in a more positive direction. Next time a negative or unnecessary thought pops in your head, practice letting it go. See it as nothing more than that dandelion seed that the slightest wind will take away. When you begin to let go of the thoughts that don’t serve you and that keep you in a stuck position, your life begins to turn around. You start to increase the quality of your thoughts and thereby increase the quality of your life.

If you want help with processing your thoughts and leading a more positive life, I can help you change your thoughts and change your life. I can help you find the outcomes that you desire. If you are interested in how life coaching works, contact me for a complimentary coaching session. Your thoughts should not control the direction of your life. Control your thoughts and begin living the life you choose.