
Leap And The Net Will Appear!

April 30th, 2022|

What fills my soul? I want to share an example of what fills my soul as a Life Coach. I have been working with a client regarding their career choice. How many times have we found ourselves in a job that drains us? A job that we know that isn’t right for us but maybe it has good health insurance or maybe the pay is crazy good or maybe there is [...]

Is It Really a Crisis?

April 11th, 2022|

Webster’s definition of a crisis is as follows: a: an unstable or crucial time or state of affairs in which a decisive change is impending especially : one with the distinct possibility of a highly undesirable outcome b: a situation that has reached a critical phase Today I listened to a Ted Talk given by a 26 year old female. She started her talk by saying she was just on the [...]

How Will a Life Coach Help Me?

March 24th, 2022|

This is a question I get asked a lot when people find out what I do for a living. I also get this question from potential clients. It has to be one of my favorite questions regarding coaching because it gives me the opportunity to show just how beneficial a coach can be to just about anyone that wants to make a change of an improvement in their lives. Covid has [...]

I Am a Stalking Survivor!

March 16th, 2022|

I never thought it would happen to me. And yet…. I worked for a large police department and had police officers all around me. So how could I have attracted a stalker at work? You wouldn’t think that someone that you helped through your job would become obsessed with you and illegally enter your home… TWICE! But that is what happened to me and it can, and does, happen to others. [...]

A Different Way To Think About the Half Glass Empty Analogy

November 12th, 2021|

We’ve all heard the phrase your glass is either half full or half empty. The assumption is that if you view your glass as half full your are more of an optimist. If you view your glass as half empty, than you are viewed as a pessimist. What if we looked at this analogy a little differently? What if we looked at our glass as perpetually refillable? What does it mean [...]

Practicing What I Am Preaching

November 12th, 2021|

When it comes to taking your own advice, it is not always the easiest thing to do. However I found myself in a situation where I needed to really grab on to the words I had written in an earlier blog. The earlier blog was regarding controlling your thoughts. I believe we can all control our thoughts once we take some deep breaths and refocus. Easy to think about when you [...]

Thoughts – Do You Control Them or Do They Control You?

November 12th, 2021|

Thoughts? Have you ever thought, where does a thought come from? Why is this thought in my head? Why can’t I get rid of this thought? Let’s explore thoughts for a minute. Where do thoughts come from? They are not concrete. They quite often are not even the truth or in our best interest. For example, lots of people have the reoccurring thought they aren’t good enough for one thing or [...]

No Pain No Gain – Fact or Fiction?

October 31st, 2021|

Are you a slave to your liking or loving tendencies? Do you overlook red flags about someone or something because you are blinded by your feelings? We all have tendencies to like and love what we do. But when we get stuck in a false truth is when we get into trouble in our lives. Have you ever said that you like what you do but you hate your boss who [...]

One Day or Day One – It’s Your Choice

October 31st, 2021|

Are you a slave to your liking or loving tendencies? Do you overlook red flags about someone or something because you are blinded by your feelings? We all have tendencies to like and love what we do. But when we get stuck in a false truth is when we get into trouble in our lives. You ever said you like what you do and you hate your boss who is a [...]

Mind Reading – Most People Do It More Than You Think!

October 31st, 2021|

Are you a mind reader? I bet your first response is of course not! But let’s look a little more closely at this question. How many times have you found yourself in a situation and assumed you knew what the other person was thinking? For instance, have you ever asked yourself, what is that person thinking about me? Maybe you’ve said, I bet they won’t approve of me, my ideas, my [...]

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